Children are excited to learn new things and are extremely inquisitive at this age. They love to ask questions about where things come from and how they work. At Kinder Kastle, our curriculum is designed to enhance your child’s inquisitiveness by providing many opportunities to engage through exploration and hands-on activities.
Our classrooms consist of learning centers that include age-appropriate materials for preschoolers. Each preschool classroom is designed to give your child the opportunity and freedom to explore in a variety of learning areas, such as art, language and writing, blocks, math manipulatives, science, social studies and computers.

Cognitive & Language Development
At the age of three, children will be actively learning language skills and becoming extremely inquisitive. We practice letter recognition, identifying their own names and engaging in conversational skills. Our circle time gives each child the opportunity and confidence to initiate their cognitive and language skills. Our teachers encourage each child to express their feelings, questions asking and learning through play.
Mathematical Concepts
In our Preschools, mathematical concepts are incorporated into classwork and play. The children will begin to recognize numbers, patterns, shapes and sizes. Our teachers use a variety of manipulative and sensory toys to help develop math skills. Each month our curriculum focuses on a different concept, allowing our teachers to plan activities and enrichment activities dedicated to helping our students understand and master the material.

Social & Emotional Skills
Parents and teachers will begin to notice children becoming more independent, both socially and emotionally. Our teachers provide opportunities for the children to enhance these skills throughout the day while learning and playing. The children are encouraged to share, take turns and have a better understanding how others feel. Our teachers help the children to understand positive and effective ways to express their emotions appropriately.
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
Our three year olds begin to use their fine and gross motor skills hand in hand with learning and play. Our teachers act as models as they guide the children towards the proper way to hold a pencil, use scissors appropriately and turn pages in their favorite book! Our age appropriate outdoor playground is the perfect setting for the children to help strengthen their large muscles. Each classroom has an individual time in the morning and afternoon to ride the tricycles, climb on our playground equipment and just use our open area to run, jump and practice throwing and catching a ball.

A Day in Our Kingdom: Preschool Class
"We will say hello to our teachers & classmates as we get ready for a fun day!"
Table Top Activities
"Let's put a puzzle together!"
Morning Snack
"We will enjoy a healthy breakfast."
"Time to get creative"
Circle Time
"Let's discuss our weekly theme"
Lunch Time
"We will enjoy our healthy meal and discuss what we learned today."
Rest Time
"I am sleepy. I think I will take a short nap."
Wake-Up/Afternoon Snack
"I am ready to learn some more exciting things and have a snack!"
"Let's read our favorite book."
Learn more about our programs